Heroic Individualism

“...feeling like you are never enough seems to be a significant part of life.  This is not exactly new.  From the beginning of recorded history, humans have longed to feel like they are solid and whole, even though life is always changing.  But the feeling has intensified.  Heroic Individualism is in the water, perpetuated by a modern culture that relentlessly says you need to be better, feel better, think more positively, have more, and "optimize" your life – only to offer shallow and superficial solutions that, at best, leave you wanting.”

This excerpt is from the introductory chapter of Brad Stulberg’s book, The Practice of Groundedness.  The premise of the book is just what you read above – the human experience seems to be dominated by a feeling of unease and a constant need to “be more.”  And what’s worse, is that we think this feeling is normal.  

We see this inside of our coaching at DREAM4, and why we’ve chosen to walk through POG with you all this year.  

If you are reading this and experiencing any of the following signs of suffering from Heroic Individualism Brad outlines below, connect with your D4 Coach to discuss a better way to pursue your world. Stay tuned for next month’s email to learn more about the six practices of groundedness that can change your life.  

Signs you may be suffering from Heroic Individualism:

  • Low-level anxiety and a sensation of always being rushed or in a hurry – if not physically, then mentally
  • A recurring intuition that something isn’t quite right, but you’re unsure what that something is, let alone what to do about it
  • Being easily distractable and unable to focus, struggling to sit in silence without reaching for your phone
  • Wanting to do better, be better, and feel better, but having no idea where to start
  • Feeling lonely or empty inside
  • Struggling to be content


How We Serve

Organizational health doesn't just happen; it takes attention and intention. DREAM4 is a personal well-being and leadership development company that strives to help your organization in these 4 specific areas.
personal wellbeing and inspiring healthy people icon
Healthy People
Our Personal Wellbeing Plan provides a unique corporate benefit to invest in your people as people, not just employees.
professional growth and developing healthy leaders icon
Healthy Leaders
Our Leadership Development Plan creates leaders who are trusted and effective.
building healthy teams icon
Healthy Teams
Our Team Building Plan equips teams to communicate and work with clarity and consistency.
building healthy organizations icon
Healthy Organizations
Our method for Organizational Health produces honest evaluation and practical steps for developing a thriving, healthy work environment.

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