The Importance of Desire

“If you want something and don’t get it, that means you really didn’t want it, or you tried to bargain over the price.” – Rudyard Kipling

QUESTION: What do you really want?

Everyone is created for a unique purpose – but how many actually find it? How many actually ignore or minimize the “tugging of their heart” and spend too much time living life for another person or another reason? If we actually know our unique purpose – how do we keep the fire of desire lit?

Desire is arguably the reason behind everything we do. It is the foundation of all our achievements. Without desire few if any accomplishments will be seen in our life. It is one of those intangible items of life. Necessary but unseen. Absolutely essential if we want to become successful and have the influence we were intended to have.

Desire is what keeps us from sitting in front of the TV set all evening or even just for a show or two. Desire is what keeps us from going out with friends to the local coffee house and solving all the problems of the world; and studying for a test instead. It is desire that makes us pick up our phone one more time to call a frustrated customer. It is desire that arranges one more business opportunity meeting. It is desire that keeps us going when we feel like it is time to quit.

But desire does not just keep burning by itself. It is just like a campfire that needs to continually be watched, stoked and cared for. More wood needs to be put on. The coals may need to be stirred. We cannot have heat without a flame. We do not want a campfire that just gives off smoke. It might look like there is something there, a potential flame, but that is all – it just looks like something promising. It takes a team to validate and cultivate desire.

Almost everyone at some time or another gets caught up in a passing fancy. Fads come and go. Too often we let our desire operate like a fad. Something comes along and looks appealing so we “give it a try.” We want to see if it is something that will just take off and burn brightly without a lot of effort on our part. Not long after, another opportunity catches our eye and so we give that a try for a little while.

The truth is that success will never be found when we go from one opportunity to the next; never really being committed to learn and perfect the work. These passing moments of desire will never help us get to where we want to go. There are too few people who have a desire burning like a blazing fire; who are committed to discover and keep their fire burning. Top achievers and difference-makers have an obsession to accomplish their goals in life. They know themselves and see challenges as opportunities to learn along the way. When they think about the possibilities and rewards of what they are doing it is like a caffeine injection with an espresso.

We must always have a clear desire for what we want to accomplish or our “end in mind.” If we don’t we will take the first exit that comes along after a disappointment. The proper desire cheers us on. Our desire gives us hope. Our desire gives us inspiration and energy.

Developing a desire does not automatically happen. We must find it, and then feed and care for it. This consuming desire may not quickly or easily be seen or touched. But those around you will know if you have it or not. Those who have great desire are people we greatly respect. So how do you go from good to great? Read our blog on how to be courageous in pursuing your dreams!

Without desire, there is no hope. Without desire, there is no goal. Without desire, there is no spirit. Without desire, there is no flame. Our fire of desire needs to be lit because it is the driving force behind our own success. So, what do you really want?

Remember: passion grows where we discover our true desire. DREAM4 is here to help you find it! Let’s celebrate some positive progress together in the 4th quarter of 2018.

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Organizational health doesn't just happen; it takes attention and intention. DREAM4 is a personal well-being and leadership development company that strives to help your organization in these 4 specific areas.
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Healthy People
Our Personal Wellbeing Plan provides a unique corporate benefit to invest in your people as people, not just employees.
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Healthy Leaders
Our Leadership Development Plan creates leaders who are trusted and effective.
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Healthy Teams
Our Team Building Plan equips teams to communicate and work with clarity and consistency.
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Healthy Organizations
Our method for Organizational Health produces honest evaluation and practical steps for developing a thriving, healthy work environment.

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