Blog & Articles

Identity Based Habits
Most of the time we base our habits around what we want to do rather than who we want to be.  When we do that, our habit change can often be surface…
Baby Steps to Positive Strides
Forming habits, good or bad, starts with baby steps. Of course, your D4 coach wants you to form good habits.  Little changes can add up to big…
Right Now
The idea “new year, new you” simply is not true.  When the clock strikes midnight on the last day of December, there will be no magic spells or…
What Went Well?
It’s the end of the day. Your head hits the pillow.  What’s running through your mind?  Are you reliving everything that went wrong?  Are you…
Take Off the Mask
Are you faking it? When someone asks you how you’re doing, do you put on the “I’m good” mask? Do you even realize you’re wearing a mask?…
Don't Fall Back
The first official day of Fall will be upon us shortly, so take a moment to reflect on the summer months (go ahead, I’ll wait).  Where were your…
Refuel Your Mind and Body
When refueling your car, what are you required to do? You must stop. You must choose the correct fuel. You must wait. Similar to the car, you must…
Digging Deep
The Empire State Building, The Sears/Willis Tower, The World Trade Center, The Burj Kalifa, the list goes on. These and other tall buildings are known…
Celebrate or Start Again
It’s June, and for some, you’re halfway to your 2023 goal; for others, well . . .   This is a great month to celebrate or start again.  If…
What Makes A Great Leader?
Luke got the chance to sit down with his friend, Kat Defatta, again on her podcast. This time they talked all things leadership. Go check it out to…
Are there activities or attitudes which are robbing the focus from your goals?  ‘Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.’ -…
Remember Your Why
“You only hit the targets you aim at.”  “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single…
"The flow from a blind spot down to isms was never something that I’d put into words the way that your team did; I feel like it gave me some better understanding on how others think, so I can help moderate DEI conversations in the future... Your team does an INCREDIBLE job of presenting the information in a relatable, non-judgmental way, which is just so refreshing. I liked being a part of a cross-country training."
Anna R.
HR Professional, Brunswick, Maine

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Richter Landscape Company
City of Mountain Brook
Electromagnetic Marketing
City of Hoover
Wisdom Tree, LLC
City of Gulf Shores
Frontline Pest Control
Kassouf Healthcare Solutions
Acre Group
Valent Group
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
Big Slate Media